Digital_Emily Mok & Tan Yuan Ling_Order by Hunger.jpg

Food Bank – Order By Hunger (Young Lions competition)

Food Bank – Order By Hunger
(Young Lions competition)

This was a Young Lions Competition 2018 submission. We were tasked to
change the behaviour of the general public in regards to food wastage by
bringing to their attention that there are food insecurity issues even
in a place like Singapore.

Most of us might take food accessibility for granted. This inadvertently
contributes to a huge amount of food waste.

Food delivery services are very popular these days due to their convenience.
However, the food that we order may come in unexpected portions as menus
may not accurately depict the servings we receive. As a result,
excess food is often wasted unintentionally.

We modify the interface of food delivery platforms by sorting food based
on hunger levels — ‘Not that hungry’, ‘Hungry’, ‘Very hungry’. This way,
users can order their food based on their appetite, ensuring that they
will not order food that comes in portions they cannot finish.


Creative Team

Junior Art Directors – Emily Mok, Tan Yuan Ling